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Throughout South Korea¡¯s history, periods of martial law have disrupted the country¡¯s economic conditions and financial markets. 
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For example, after civilian dictator Rhee Syngman was exiled to Hawai¡¯i due to his inability to maintain power through electoral fraud, the Korean economy quickly began to deteriorate.
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As Park implemented stricter martial laws, the national economy suffered significantly, causing the GDP ranking to drop from 32nd to 40th. It took eight years for the economy to recover from this decline.
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Similarly, when Chun Doo-hwan, allegedly an adopted son of Park Chung-hee, seized power through a military coup in 1980, the economy unexpectedly contracted by 1.6 percent, falling 3.5 percentage points below the global GDP growth rate for that year.
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Before the completion of President Park Geun-hye¡¯s impeachment in 2016, the stock market experienced a decline. However, the successful impeachment later resulted in improved financial and economic conditions. The Park impeachment case could serve as an example of how investors might react to the potential impeachment of Yoon Suk-yeol, which opposition parties are currently attempting to expedite.
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Nevertheless, the financial and economic conditions in December 2024 are worse than in 2016, when Park Geun-hye was forced from office. south Korea is currently grappling with significant economic challenges both domestically and globally. 
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Foreign investors became worried when they learned that the declaration of martial law was a decision made unilaterally by Yoon, without consulting his key ally, the United States. It was crucial for Yoon to notify the White House before initiating military operations, considering the mutual defense treaty between the two countries and South Korea¡¯s close economic ties with the U.S.
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.Yoon has enacted corporate tax cuts and has borrowed a substantial amount from the central bank and foreign reserves to cover the government deficit. 
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If the political uncertainty surrounding the impeachment process is not addressed promptly, South Korea will likely face serious economic setbacks and financial difficulties. Several factors contribute to this outlook: Yoon and his ruling party have lost credibility with key allies; Yoon¡¯s unpredictable behavior presents challenges for the Trump 2.0 administration; the current domestic and international economic conditions differ significantly from those during the previous impeachment; and the timing of the royal coup was poorly chosen.
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