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(θ ȭ_1) 2
巯켼 2 2025-02-23 08:10   ȸ : 1099
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̺ - <θ ȭ>



κ : ѱ <> < 1 - Ȱ >



å ϳ ܿ, ̰ 鼭 б ߳׿.


å ѱ о, ̹ о µ, ü ϰ ׿.


θ Թ å̶ ˴ϴ. 


ѱ ÿ å鵵 ִٴ ̵ о..  

ҿ ְѴٰ ׷ ġ鼭, غ Ȳ..  

1忡 θ DZ ̾߱, ٷ, 2忡 ȭ ɴϴ.




常 ߷ϴ.



"θ â ׸ â ȸ, , ġ ⸦ ʷ, ȭ ҿ뵹̿ ߷ȴ."

"The very forces that drove the expansion of Rome, and the rewards that expansion brought, led to social, economic, and political crisis and plunged the Republic into a descending spiral of civil war."


plunge : ô, оִ





" ִ ư. Ǽ ü ̲ ֵ ذϷ ߰, ħ صǾ. ظ ̷ źߴ."

"Sibling rivalry swiftly came to a head. Unable to agree upon who would lead the emerging community, the twins turned to violence and Remus was killed. From that bloodshed the state that would rule the Mediterranean world was born."

Sibling : ڸ,

come to a head : () ̴




" θ ι ҷ ŸϿ콺 Ƶ߹ߴ. 510⿡ θ رǾ. ŷ üǾ. ù° ݶƼ . ̷ν θ ȭ Ǿ."

"Rallying the Roman people, Brutus expelled Tarquin and his sons. In 510 BC, the Roman monarchy was dissolved. The kings were replaced by two elected consuls, of whom the first were Collatinus and Brutus, and the Roman Republic was formed."


Rally : ϴ





"Ʈ縮 θ ܾ翡 Ǿ ʴ. θ ϰ ֵ, θ ʵ 縮κ ߰, ⿡ ˾ƺ Եȴ. θ ū α⸦ Ʈ縮 ʽ κ ɼ "

"Nor was Etruscan influence limited to Romes physical appearance. As Roman tradition acknowledged, a number of Roman religious practices were derived from the Etruscans, including divination through haruspicy, seeking the gods will by inspecting the organs of sacrificial animals. It is possible that the gladiatorial contests so popular in Rome were inspired by Etruscan funeral games."


divination : ( ħ),

haruspicy : () â( )

gladiatorial :






ѱ Ʒ å





























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弳, ó ִ ﰡּ.